Coffee Club
First Thursday of the month - A great opportunity to meet new and catch up with long-time neighbours for a coffee and conversation. $1 donation to cover costs.
First Thursday of the month - A great opportunity to meet new and catch up with long-time neighbours for a coffee and conversation. $1 donation to cover costs.
Have you ever been at a wedding or at a bar and watched a bunch of people line dancing and thought, that looks like fun? Come to the clubhouse to…
If you are an avid reader, you are welcome to join our book club! We meet the third Thursday of each month at the clubhouse. For further information, contact Linda…
Clubhouse Lounge 6-9pm. Everyone is welcome for a friendly CHRISTMAS game of Euchre, $1.00 donation to covers costs and small cash prizes for high scores . Contact [email protected] with any…
Come join fellow Southcotters for some music and cheer at “Torched Brewery” featuring music of Steve Crew. Home of the “Southcott Pines Premium Lager”. If interested please email by Feb…